Inici » Preparation of Spanish neighborhood communities for electric mobility

Preparation of Spanish neighborhood communities for electric mobility

una fila de cotxes elèctrics aparcats l'un al costat de l'altre en un carrer amb arbres al fons i una persona que passa, les automatistes, una foto d'estoc, solarpunk, Évariste Vital Luminais

Challenges of electric mobility in neighborhood communities

Neighboring communities in Spain face an important challenge in relation to electric mobility. The supply networks in the collective parking lots of the farms are not prepared to meet the growing demand that is expected with the generalization of electric vehicles. This problem already exists in the United States and Spain; the solution will depend on agreements with entities that allow the correct implementation of collective charging infrastructure.

The role of the College of Property Administrators of Madrid

In Madrid, the College of Property Administrators has taken measures to address this challenge. This public law corporation, in charge of ensuring the correct functioning of the communities of owners in the region, has signed an agreement with ChargeGuru, a company specialized in recharging electric vehicles.

Agreement benefits

Thanks to this alliance, the implementation of collective infrastructure for electric vehicles in community garages will be promoted in a safe and simple way. The goal is to prepare neighborhood communities for a future in which electric vehicles are the norm. ChargeGuru offers the Zeplug service, which reduces installation costs in communities of owners and encourages the use of collective charging infrastructures.

Scalable and sustainable service

One of the advantages of the Zeplug service is its scalability. Buildings may incorporate additional charging points as they are requested, thus covering all the necessary parking spaces. Additionally, the service guarantees that the electricity used comes from renewable sources, as ChargeGuru works only with certified clean energy providers.

Commitment to training and sustainability

The agreement between the College of Property Administrators and ChargeGuru not only involves the implementation of charging infrastructure, but also the training of members of the corporation in the use and importance of recharging electric vehicles. In addition, sustainable and safe solutions are promoted for the community of owners.

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