Inici » Proposal to improve remuneration for the staff of the regional administration in the Balearic Islands

Proposal to improve remuneration for the staff of the regional administration in the Balearic Islands


The increase in insularity

The STEI Intersindical raises the possibility of considerably increasing the insularity of the staff who work for the regional administration in the Balearic Islands. According to the union, the regional administration faces difficulties in covering many jobs, and considers that determining the amounts of this supplement is within its competence.

Cost of living in the Balearic Islands

The union warns about the increase in the cost of living in the Balearic Islands, equating it to other regions of the European Union where wages are considerably higher. This situation is particularly worrying in Menorca and Ibiza, and extreme in Formentera. The social consensus on this issue is so high that even the PP group in the General Courts has proposed tripling the amount of compensation for residence.

Proposal to raise wages

The STEI proposes a plan to dignify the remuneration of Education, Health and General Services personnel through the increase of compensation for residence, an exclusive competence of the Balearic Islands. The proposal includes a schedule for the progressive increase of the amounts for the different islands, with the aim of correcting this disadvantageous situation ( .

Calendar of increase in compensation for residence

The proposal establishes that from January 2024, the compensation for residence for all subgroups or levels in the Balearic Islands will be equal to 116 euros per month. In Mallorca, from 2025, this amount will double and in 2026 it will triple. In Menorca and Ibiza, the amounts will be double those in Mallorca from 2025, and in Formentera, they will be two and a half times those of Mallorca.

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