Inici » Rearrangement of traffic and car parks in Sóller

Rearrangement of traffic and car parks in Sóller


The City Council is working to improve the traffic and parking situation

Sóller City Council is intensifying its efforts to reorganize road traffic and improve the availability of parking spaces in the municipality. With the increase in indignation among the population due to the saturation of vehicles and the lack of spaces to park, the governing board has approved the drafting of four projects that will allow to evaluate the state of the municipality’s road network and propose improvements (

Investments for the study and improvement of urban mobility

The City Council has earmarked an investment of 50,000 euros for the completion of four studies. These studies include a plan to rearrange car parks, a socio-economic project to assess the impacts of changes in circulation and the limitation of vehicles on certain streets, a new sustainable urban mobility plan and a study to create safe routes for schoolchildren (https :// These proposals are part of the low emissions project that the City Council received during the past legislature, with funding of 600,000 euros.

Temporary measures to alleviate the current situation

Faced with the dissatisfaction of the population, the City Council has taken some temporary measures to alleviate the current situation. Among these measures, the installation of a no-traffic sign at the entrance to Isabel II has been authorized at times of high congestion. This will allow non-residents to move around the town center (

Objective: A more pacified Sóller for vehicles

The Sóller City Council’s ultimate goal is to achieve a more pacified municipality for vehicles, as has been achieved in other cities. With the implementation of the low emissions project and the improvements in urban mobility, the aim is to solve the saturation problems affecting the municipality (

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