Inici » Reopening of border crossings between France and Spain

Reopening of border crossings between France and Spain

una carretera amb una muntanya al fons i un pont a sobre que passa per un pont que està per sobre d'una carretera, Arthur B. Carles, traçat de camí, una pintura mate, incoherents

The French government allows free movement at border crossings

The French government has announced the reopening of the Banyuls pass and three border crossings: the Manrella pass, the Vinyola route and the Aja route. This decision comes after more than three years and allows free movement again through these border crossings located between Alt Empordà and Cerdanya. These four roads have been closed since January 2021 to combat illegal immigration and the terrorist threat, according to the French authorities (

Short-term commitment for reopening

There is still no specific date for the reopening, but the French government has promised to do so in the short term. Operations to remove the physical obstacles placed on the tracks are being carried out to allow traffic.

Police cooperation between France and Spain

The reopening of the border crossings is part of reinforced police cooperation between France and Spain. In the context of the activation of the Vigipirate plan and the high level of migratory pressure at the borders, greater cooperation between the two countries is sought.

Protests and reactions

Several groups on both sides of the Pyrenean border have protested in recent months against the closure of the border crossings and have asked for their reopening. The French authorities have taken the decision to reopen the border crossings just before the European elections (

Reopening in the middle of the European elections

The French government has announced the reopening of border crossings hours before the opening of the polling stations for the European elections. This decision has been received with different reactions, with some groups considering it a simple return to the lost normality.


The reopening of the border crossings between France and Spain will allow free movement in these border areas. This decision is part of reinforced police cooperation and has been met with mixed reactions. However, it should be noted that there is still no specific date for the reopening, but the French government has promised to do so in the short term.

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