Inici » Salvador Illa does not rule out PPC votes despite not being the first option and points out that social convergence is not impossible

Salvador Illa does not rule out PPC votes despite not being the first option and points out that social convergence is not impossible

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The presidential election of the PSC open to different scenarios

Salvador Illa, the presidential candidate of the PSC, has stated that he does not rule out the votes of the PPC for an investiture or a pact between the Socialists and Junts. Although these scenarios are not the most likely, Illa does not close the door to these possibilities.

Position on PPC support

In relation to the support of the PPC, Illa has stated that it would not be the most appropriate option and that it is not the first option. However, he does not rule out the votes of Alejandro Fernández, leader of the PPC, but calls for consistency in his decisions.

Socio-vergence and the attitude towards Junts

Illa has pointed out that social convergence is not impossible, but he considers that it is not the best time for this option. He has also expressed his surprise at the fact that Carles Puigdemont, head of the Junts list, is asking for the support of whoever won the election. Illa sees this situation as unheard of.

Decision to appear at the investiture

Salvador Illa is determined to appear for the investiture. However, it does not close the door to accepting votes from the PPC or agreeing to a social vergence. The PSC candidate considers that neither scenario is a priority. He prefers coherent pacts and feels more comfortable with progressive formations such as ERC and the commons.

Opinion on ERC and its internal debate

In relation to ERC and its internal debate on leadership, Illa believes that victories and defeats do not last forever and that there are moments of everything. He believes that Republicans are suffering from the wear and tear of governing for 15 of the last 20 years without achieving relevant milestones.

Andreu Mas-Colell’s opinion

Andreu Mas-Colell, former adviser to Artur Mas in the Convergence governments, has expressed his hope that ERC will facilitate an investiture of the PSC, even if this formation remains in the opposition. Salvador Illa appreciated the clarity of Mas-Colell’s words and stated that he agreed with many of the things he said.

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