Inici » Seny i Sentit’s decision to leave the governing team of Sóller City Council

Seny i Sentit’s decision to leave the governing team of Sóller City Council

dos homes i una dona asseguts a una taula amb papers al davant i una bandera al darrere, regionalisme, una foto d'estoc, zabrocki, Edi Rama

A final decision

The independent party Seny i Sentit, formed by Sebastià Aguiló and Esther Alfonso, has taken the decision to leave the governing team of the Sóller City Council. After a month of unrest and renegotiations with the Popular Party (PP), the two councilors will formalize the resignation of the pact they had signed with the Popular Party and will become part of the opposition, together with Més and the PSOE.

Reasons for departure

The reasons for the departure are various. According to Seny, continuous interference and deliberate political blockages have hindered the development of necessary projects for Sóller. In addition, there was mistrust and lack of support from the mayor, Miquel Nadal. The councilors also express their concern over the fact that the PP has broken the pact to agree with a defector, Pep Porcel.

Work from the opposition

The councilors of Seny consider that they will be more useful working from the opposition at this time. Although they are affected by the decision, they believe that their party is uncomfortable and that their motivation has always been to fight for the best for Sóller and for the town. Thus, they consider that moving to work from the opposition is a decision that corresponds to them.

Changes to the management team

With the departure of the two councilors from Seny, the governing team of the Sóller City Council will be made up of 9 councilors instead of the 11 it had until now. The areas that until now had been managed by Seny will have to be distributed among the rest of the councillors. It will also have to be decided what will happen to the two exclusive dedications.

Press conference and official discharge

The Seny party will hold a press conference to explain all the reasons for their departure. On May 31, they will formalize their resignation as members of the governing team of Sóller City Council, handing in their resignation by registration.

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