Inici » Suburbia: A Reflection on the Construction of the Urban Landscape

Suburbia: A Reflection on the Construction of the Urban Landscape

un gran pati del darrere amb una piscina i una casa al fons amb un pati tancat i una piscina en primer pla, David Chipperfield, modern, una representació digital, modernisme

The Representation of the American Dream through Suburbia

The Contemporary Culture Center of Barcelona (CCCB) presents the exhibition Subúrbia, a deep reflection on the construction of the urban landscape and the representation of the American dream. This exhibit highlights the idea of ​​the middle class and its relationship to a detached house surrounded by lawns, a swimming pool and two cars in the garage, an image that Hollywood has perpetuated over time. Through this representation, a reflection is raised on the country that has been built, not only from an urban point of view, but also from the cultural, social, economic, environmental and mental health areas.

The Debate between Countryside and City and the Reality of Urbanization in Catalonia

The dichotomy between the countryside and the city has relegated the suburbs, known as urbanizations in Catalonia, to the background. These areas, which have developed under the influence of American culture and the ideology of the “American way of life”, have generated a homogeneous reality propagated through films and advertising. This phenomenon, which dates back to the International Fair of Barcelona in 1956, has given rise to an expansion of residential and commercial models that have had a negative impact on public space, diversity and have contributed to social isolation.

The Impacts of Urbanization and the Transformation of the Landscape

The urbanisations, which initially arose as second residences near Barcelona, ​​experienced massive growth from the 80s, becoming permanent residences. This expansion, paradoxically originating as a criticism of industrial urban life, has generated negative impacts on the territory, such as the excessive consumption of soil and water, as well as vehicle emissions. In addition, it has been found that municipalities with more single-family homes consume more than twice as much domestic water per inhabitant per day as cities.

The Consequences in Municipalities and Local Identity

According to the exhibition, 38% of the 311 municipalities in the province of Barcelona have housing estates with urban planning deficits. This phenomenon has affected local identity, as the suburbs, known as towns, have been affected by the lack of personality, economic, social and cultural life due to housing developments, whether luxury or more modest.

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