Inici » Terrorist attacks in Dagestan: More than 15 policemen dead and several civilians victims

Terrorist attacks in Dagestan: More than 15 policemen dead and several civilians victims

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The authorities of the Russian republic of Dagestan have confirmed that more than 15 policemen have died in the terrorist attacks this Sunday.

The attacks have also killed several civilians, including an Orthodox priest.

The governor of the republic, Sergué Melikov, has declared that the police officers were victims of the terrorist attack while defending the peace and tranquility of Dagestan.

The security forces have managed to liquidate six of the terrorists responsible for the attacks, which took place in the cities of Derbent and Majachkalá, the capital of Dagestan.

Reaction of the authorities

Governor Mélikov has decreed three days of mourning throughout the republic and has promised financial assistance to the families of the victims.

The National Anti-Terrorist Committee of Russia has lifted the regime of anti-terrorist operation in the cities of Majachkalá and Derbent, as threats to the life and health of citizens have been eliminated.

Arrest of the attackers

According to the authorities, two of the attackers have died and two more have been arrested.

The leader of Dagestan, Sergey Melikov, has denounced these attacks as an attempt to destabilize the situation in the republic and has called on the population to remain calm.

Previous attacks

This is not the first attack on churches in Dagestan. Last February, a gunman opened fire indiscriminately on a crowd of people celebrating a Russian holiday, killing four people.

The attacker was shot down by security forces and the Islamic State terrorist group claimed responsibility for the attack.

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