Inici » The art of making cheese: a unique experience

The art of making cheese: a unique experience

una taula de tallar de fusta coberta amb rodanxes de formatge i ganivets de formatge al costat d'un bol de formatge i un plat de formatge, Enguerrand Quarton, fotografia d'aliments professional, una foto d'estoc, raionisme

Discover the world of cheese

Greetings, lovers of good gastronomy! Who is not pleased to have an exquisite cheese in the refrigerator to enjoy on a pleasant evening or to offer to family and friends as an exemplary host? This dairy, which awakens passions, could be made by ourselves, allowing us to experiment with various techniques and times to produce a variety of delicious cheeses.

The great mystery is: how are cheeses made? In this week’s video, Xevi Miró, co-owner of Llet Crua, guides us through each step necessary to make cheese, revealing all the aspects to take into account.

The preparation process

Xevi explains to us that the first essential element for making cheese is milk. According to him, any type and quality of milk, if no treatment was applied, would eventually become cheese, since milk tends to acidify and coagulate, which transforms it into sour curd cheese.

The next crucial step is the addition of rennet, which can be of plant, animal or microbial origin. Depending on the type of cheese, a specific type of rennet will be used to achieve the desired texture. Rennet influences the moisture and texture of the cheese, determining whether it will be fresh, cured or with a grainy rind.

Once the rennet is added, the milk is compacted and the whey is separated, which is the liquid and transparent part obtained after curdling the milk. Whey is considered the main enemy of cheese, since its presence accelerates its deterioration. Therefore, the goal is to remove as much whey as possible to prolong the shelf life of the cheese.

The final step is aging the cheese, a fundamental process that determines its final characteristics. In short, the process involves acidifying the milk, adding rennet, cutting the curds, removing the whey, salting, shaping and finally, allowing the cheese to mature.


The art of making cheese is a unique experience that allows us to enter the fascinating world of gastronomy. Experimenting with the transformation of milk into cheese, understanding each step and its impact on the final result, gives us the opportunity to appreciate and enjoy this delicious product even more.

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