Inici » The Art of Set Design: A Look at Set Designer Alfons Flores

The Art of Set Design: A Look at Set Designer Alfons Flores

un grup de maniquís es troben en una habitació amb un vestit negre i una corona a la part superior, Alexander McQueen, ex machina, una escultura de marbre, art feminista

An Unusual Exhibition

It is not common for an art center to dedicate an exhibition to a scenographer. While the Museu de les Arts Escéniques (MAE) has organized exhibitions on figures such as Fabià Puigserver or Isidre Prunés, the ephemeral nature of the scenographies makes it difficult to exhibit materials beyond the models, photographs or recordings that testify to the shows.

But now, the Tecla Sala Art Center has opened an unusual exhibition: Alfons Flores. The prodigious stage, an exhibition curated by Joan Maria Minguet about the scenographer Alfons Flores. This exhibition offers a unique opportunity to explore the art of scenography and is open to the public until 3 November.

The Anonymous World of Set Designers

The normally anonymous nature of scenographers means that their work tends to go unnoticed by the general public. While there are star actors or star directors, star set designers are rarely talked about. This makes the exhibition Alfons Flores. The prodigious stage is a unique opportunity to discover the work of a creator who has left a significant mark in the world of scenography.

A Scenographic Experience

The access to the Tecla Sala already has something scenographic, with a majestic and slightly winding ramp that leads to the first floor. Once upstairs, visitors are greeted by a wide and diaphanous exhibition space, created with scenographic magic that transports spectators to the universe of theatrical and operatic scenography.

The Way of Alfonso Flores

The exhibition offers a complete overview of Alfons Flores’ career, from his beginnings in independent theater to his work in operas on an international scale. Through photographs, models and other elements, visitors can explore his evolution as a scenographer and his collaboration with directors such as Calixto Bieito and Àlex Ollé.

An Unmissable Exhibition

The Alfons Flores exhibition. The prodigious stage is a unique opportunity to delve into the world of scenography and appreciate the talent of an artist who has left his mark in internationally renowned theater and opera productions. With free entry and running until November 3, this exhibition is an unmissable experience for art and culture lovers.

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