Inici » The Avignon Festival: Controversy and Drama at the 78th Edition

The Avignon Festival: Controversy and Drama at the 78th Edition

una dona amb vestit i un home amb vestit es troben darrere d'ella en una habitació fosca amb espelmes, Brigid Derham, imatge promocional, retrat d'un personatge, neoplasticisme

Inauguration With Controversy

The Avinyó Festival has begun with an inauguration marked by controversy, generating an intense debate in the theater community.

Complaint and Controversy

The French theater critic Stéphane Capron has filed a complaint for public insults against Angélica Liddell, Catalan playwright and artist, following a scene in her latest production, DÄMON. Bergman’s funeral.

During the premiere, Liddell directed insults at the critic, triggering a controversy that has captivated the attention of the public and the media.

Reactions and Consequences

The festival has distanced itself from Liddell’s comments, stating that it is the artist’s responsibility to change the content of the show.

This situation has surrounded the opening show, DÄMON. Bergman’s funeral, provoking an intense debate about freedom of expression and the responsibilities of artists vis-a-vis critics.

Scenes and Repercussions

The controversy has had a significant impact on the festival, generating unexpected media attention and testing the relationships between artists, critics and the public.

Liddell’s reaction in a public conversation has kept the tension alive, with statements that have kept the controversy alive and raised expectations about his future behavior during the festival.

Catalan Talent and Perspectives

Beyond this controversy, the festival will bring together other Catalan talents, such as the work Història d’un senglar, by the Uruguayan Gabriel Calderón, and the performances of the company Baró d’Evel and the singer Sílvia Pérez Cruz.

Thus, the Avinyó Festival continues to offer a platform for artistic and cultural diversity, despite the tensions that have marked it in this edition.

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