Inici » The benefits of reading aloud and the Reading Aloud Contest in Catalonia

The benefits of reading aloud and the Reading Aloud Contest in Catalonia

un home i una noia estan llegint un llibre junts en una biblioteca amb llibres a la taula i una finestra, Art i llenguatge, il·lustració de llibres de contes, il·lustració de llibres de contes, art i llenguatge

The benefits of reading aloud

The benefits of reading aloud are numerous and you can enjoy this activity with your children. Reading aloud allows children to detect words that they do not understand and comment on their meaning. Sometimes the author hides information that will be explained later, and this creates intrigue and interest to continue reading. Reading aloud also helps develop performance skills, such as punctuation, rhythm, pronunciation, and tone changes. It is important for children to participate in read-aloud activities to improve their reading and comprehension skills.

The Reading Aloud Competition in Catalonia

In Catalonia, various activities are organized to promote reading aloud. Recently, the 20th Read Aloud Contest was held, with the participation of more than 80,000 boys and girls from 1,090 schools. This competition is co-organized by the Department of Education and the Fundació Enciclopèdia Catalana. During the contest, the participants read texts written especially for the occasion and received prizes for their participation. In addition, 11 regional finals have been held to select the best male and female readers.

During the awards ceremony, the importance of reading from an authentic point of view and putting the word at the center of humanity was highlighted. The participants have expressed their wishes and aspirations for the future, which range from dreaming of being a professional footballer to preparing to be a musical singer. Beyond personal dreams, many have expressed a desire to start a family and contribute to society with useful work. They have also expressed their desire to continue reading and loving the word.

In short, reading aloud is a fun and beneficial activity for children and adults. In Catalonia, competitions and other activities are organized to promote this practice and encourage the love of reading. It is important to read from authenticity and put the word at the center of our humanity. Thus, we can enjoy the magic of reading and continue to love the word throughout our lives.

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