Inici » The best ratings of the Selectivity 2024 in Catalonia

The best ratings of the Selectivity 2024 in Catalonia

un grup de noies assegudes a l'escriptori escrivint en paper i prenent notes en una aula amb una pantalla de projector al fons, Apelles, enfocament dur, una foto d'estoc, escola de barbizon

Outstanding qualifications in Catalonia

This year, the highest grades in the University Entrance Examinations (PAU) in Catalonia have been remarkable. The highest score in the general phase was 9.90, achieved by two students from the Barcelona area. One of them is from Castellnou de Bages, from the Auro Institute (Santpedor), and the other is from Sant Cugat del Vallès, who studied at the Forat del Vent Institute (Cerdanyola del Vallès). In the rest of Catalonia’s demarcations, the highest score was 9.80. In Tarragona, two students have obtained this score, one from the Torredembarra Institute and the other from Escola Pare Manyanet in Reus. In Girona, it has also been for two students from Salt and Girona, both students from La Salle Girona. Finally, in the demarcation of Lleida, the best grade went to a student from the Samuel Gili i Gaya Institute.

Pass percentage and general results

97% of Catalan students have passed the general phase of the 2024 university entrance exams, with a total of 42,550 students enrolled. Of the 33,960 students who took the compulsory phase of the PAU 2024, a total of 32,946 students passed it, with a pass percentage of 97.01%. Average test scores remain stable, with a PAU average of 6.747 and a university entrance average of 7.276. The women have both average marks above the overall.

Distribution of grades by subject

The highest average marks of students who passed the general phase were for foreign languages, with the German language standing out with a score of 7.74 and the Catalan language with a score of 6.62. As for optional subjects, mathematics applied to the social sciences has obtained the highest average with a 6.51, while physics has recorded the lowest average mark with a 5.97.

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