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The Candlestick: A Reflection of Light and Life in Winter

El domingo 2 de febrero, cuarenta días después de Navidad, la Iglesia celebra la fiesta de la Presentación del Señor, también llamada popularmente Candelaria o Fiesta de la Luz, con procesión con velas, fiesta que hoy tiene preferencia litúrgica sobre el domingo. Se trata de una fiesta en pleno invierno de gran arraigo social, con diferentes tradiciones de piedad popular en muchos pueblos de nuestro país y asociada también a numerosos refranes y proverbios. Es, en cierto modo, la fiesta que marca el fin del ciclo (8k, mejor calidad, obra maestra, muy detallado:1.1)

The Celebration of the Presentation of the Lord

Every February 2, forty days after Christmas, the Catholic community gathers to commemorate the Presentation of the Lord, also known as Candlemas. This festival is notable for its procession with candles, symbolizing the light of Christ that illuminates the path of the faithful.

Historical Roots and Traditions

For centuries, Candlemas has become a festival deeply rooted in the popular culture of many peoples. Over the years, various traditions have been created surrounding this celebration, which symbolically marks the end of the Christmas cycle. In many homes, it is customary to dismantle the nativity scene on this day, a ritual that reminds us of the passage of time and renewal.

Spiritual Meaning

The basis of this festival is the story of the Gospel of Luke, where the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph present Jesus in the Temple. This action, which reflects Jewish tradition, represents the consecration of the child to the Lord, and the moment when two wise men, Simeon and Anna, recognize in him the Light of the Nations. The procession with candles thus symbolizes the Christian life as a path illuminated by faith.

Light and Maternity

Candlemas not only celebrates the light of Christ, but also invites us to reflect on the greatness of motherhood. The notion of ‘giving birth’ reminds us of the importance of life and its transmission. Mary, as a model of motherhood, teaches us the value of the gift of life that is transmitted through the love between father and mother.

A Message from the Future

In his message for the Jubilee Year 2025, Pope Francis expresses concern about the decline in birth rates and the loss of the desire to transmit life. He invites society to look to the future with hope, and to promote responsible fatherhood and motherhood. His call resonates with the need to create an environment conducive to love and life.

A Collective Commitment

Candlemas reminds us that the responsibility to transmit life does not fall solely on individuals, but is a collective commitment that involves all of society. It is essential that faith communities and civil society come together to foster a culture that values ​​life and love, as well as to support young people in their desire to form families.

Final Reflections

As we celebrate Candlemas, it is a good time to remember that every life is a gift and that the light of Christ calls us to be agents of change. In a world full of uncertainties, the message of Candlemas inspires us to illuminate the darkest corners with hope and faith, reaffirming our commitment to life and love.

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