Inici » The Champion Burger Festival 2024 in Barcelona

The Champion Burger Festival 2024 in Barcelona

una hamburguesa amb enciam, tomàquet, ceba i formatge en un plat al costat d'un got de cervesa, Andries Stock, renderització de qualitat del motor irreal 5, renderització en 3D, hiperrealisme

The Largest Gastronomic Festival in the Country

The Champion Burger Festival is a large-scale gastronomic event that takes place throughout the country. This incredible nomadic concept travels through more than 15 cities on the peninsula, with the aim of bringing the best burgers to all lovers of this delicious dish.

On this occasion, the festival lands in Barcelona on Wednesday afternoon, May 15, with the opening at 7 p.m. During this event, the local public will have the opportunity to try dozens of incredible proposals in search of the best gourmet burger in the country. The event will be open from May 15 to 26 at Fira Barcelona Montjuïc, from 12 noon to midnight from Monday to Sunday.

A Unique Gastronomic Experience

For two weeks, attendees will be able to taste burgers from more than 25 restaurants that will be distributed throughout the fairgrounds. In addition, the attendees themselves will be in charge of choosing which is the best burger, since they will become the jury of the event. The two burgers with the most votes will go to the final to be held this fall, where they will compete for the title of Best Burger in Spain.

It is important to highlight that one of the finalists must be made in the Catalan capital, while the other may be from any other participating city. In this way, we seek to promote the diversity and quality of hamburgers throughout the country.

The Search for the Best Gourmet Burger

The main objective of this contest is to find the best gourmet burger in Spain. To achieve this, hundreds of hamburger restaurants will compete face to face, plate by plate, to obtain the award for the Best Burger in Spain 2024. The elements and characteristics that will be valued in this contest include flavor, the combination of ingredients, the originality and, above all, the effort and passion that is put into each burger.

The festival atmosphere will be full of excitement and energy. The combination of fire, flavor, music and lights will create a unique and unparalleled experience for all attendees. Without a doubt, this event promises to be a celebration of gastronomy and burger culture.

The Participating Burger Restaurants in Barcelona

During the festival, attendees will be able to enjoy burgers from 26 different burger restaurants. Some of the participating burger restaurants are:

– Muralla Burgers
– Eat Jenkins
– The Nutty Tarantin
– Torriko Streetbar
– Rico Burger
– Vacarnal
– Circoburger
– Gottandgrill
– Nolasmoke
– Soul Coffee beer
– By Ciriaco
– Cheek by Joe Burger
– Bertys Burguer
– Guinness Spain
-The Ranch Smoke House
– Street Food Burger
– The Pirate’s Kitchen Ship
-Cheecks and Beer
– The Bourgeois
– Grilled Burgers
– Double Biere
– Folks Burgers
– Fels Supplier
– Steel Street Flavors
– Soda Bus Barcelona

The Best Burger in Europe 2023

The Champion Burger Festival has two annual finals: the state final and the European final. Last year, the continental final was held in Barcelona during the last week of October, and the winning burger was the Emmy-B from Jenkin’s, from Valencia. This contest allows the audience to choose the best burger in Europe or Spain. On this occasion, the festival will last 12 days at the Fira de Barcelona.

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