Inici » The cheese manufacturing process

The cheese manufacturing process

dos homes tallen formatge sobre una taula d'una botiga amb prestatgeries de formatges darrere i una taula de fusta amb formatges, Enguerrand Quarton, fotografia d'aliments professional, una foto d'estoc, premsa privada


Hello, food lovers! Who doesn’t like to have a delicious cheese in the fridge at home to enjoy on a nice evening or to offer to friends and family when they come to visit us? Perhaps we could make this dairy product that we are so passionate about ourselves and experiment with different techniques and ripening times to obtain delicious and varied cheeses. In this article, we will explain in detail the process of making the cheeses and everything you need to take into account.

How are cheeses made?

The first step to making cheese is to have quality milk. Any type of milk, if left untreated, will turn into cheese over time. This is because the milk acidifies and coagulates, resulting in the formation of cheese. This coagulation can be caused by heating the milk or adding lactic acid.

The next step is to add the coagulant, which can be of plant, animal or microbial origin. This coagulant is responsible for giving the cheese its characteristic texture, more or less dry and hard. Fresh cheese or cured cheese are examples of cheeses that contain coagulant. The presence or absence of coagulant also influences the texture of the cheese, which can be more or less grainy.

Once the coagulant is added, the milk is coagulated and cut. This cut makes it possible to separate the liquid part, known as whey, from the solid part, which is the cheese itself. It is important to remove the whey, as an excess of liquid can affect the quality and preservation of the cheese.

Finally, the cheese is salted and shaped. It is then left to mature for a certain period of time, which can vary depending on the type of cheese. During this aging process, the cheese acquires its characteristic flavor and texture.


In short, the cheese making process is an art that requires knowledge and patience. From the selection of the milk to the aging of the cheese, every step is crucial to obtain a quality product. So the next time you taste a good cheese, remember all the work and dedication behind it. Bon Appetit!

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