Inici » The Children’s Home in Terres de l’Ebre: a warm and welcoming space for victims of sexual violence

The Children’s Home in Terres de l’Ebre: a warm and welcoming space for victims of sexual violence


A new care service for victims of sexual violence against minors

The Barnahus de les Terres de l’Ebre is already active and is dealing with 25 cases of sexual violence against minors. This new service, known as the boys and girls home, has been located in Tortosa, in an old farmhouse in the Ferreries district.

Managed by the organization Suara Cooperativa, the Barnahus ebrenca is the eighth of the thirteen centers that the Government will deploy this year in the country. According to the Minister of Social Rights, Carles Campuzano, the house in Tortosa offers one of the most relaxed atmospheres in the entire network and it is hoped that it will contribute to bringing to light more cases, as has already happened in Tarragona.

Alert against sexual violence against minors

The Minister for Equality and Feminism, Tània Verge, has warned about the importance of this new service to fight against one of the most prevalent and invisible sexist violence, especially when it comes to minors. The figures on cases of sexual violence in this group are disturbing, with only 10% of reported cases.

Data from Save the Children and the Council of Europe indicate that one in four girls and one in six boys have suffered sexual violence from people in their immediate environment. This highlights the need for an effective and welcoming response for the victims of these events.

Impact of the Barnahus in Tarragona

Councilors Campuzano and Verge have highlighted the positive impact of the Barnahus del Camp de Tarragona, where the number of cases of sexual abuse of minors detected has tripled since the service was launched. This experience predicts that the situation will be reproduced throughout the country, as it is expected that the entire Barnahus network will be deployed this year.

Operation of the Children’s Home in Terres de l’Ebre

Since the first days of activity, Barnahus de les Terres de l’Ebre has managed 25 cases of sexual abuse of minors detected in the territory in recent months. The aim of this service is to provide a comprehensive space where all the professionals involved can attend to the victims and their families throughout the process.

In case of suspicion or complaint, a DGAIA professional assesses whether it is necessary to protect the minor and communicates with the families to arrange a meeting at the Barnahus. During an interdepartmental meeting, information about the case is shared and a team consisting of a social worker and a psychologist offers care to the family throughout the process.

Both families and victims are received at the Barnahus with warm attention in a welcoming space. Subsequently, they are offered psychoeducational tools and therapeutic support to help them cope with the situation, while the interdisciplinary team is informed of everything that is happening.

In addition, the Barnahus has spaces for medical examinations, where pediatric and forensic examinations are carried out. This complementary service can expand the investigation of the facts and contribute to the collection of evidence for the trial.

The service’s psychologists also offer therapeutic support to victims and their families and promote workshops and group activities to help them overcome the aftermath of these traumatic events.

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