Inici » The Crab Apples: A Musical Comeback with a Radical Twist

The Crab Apples: A Musical Comeback with a Radical Twist

tres homes dempeus al bosc amb guitarres a les mans i un home amb una guitarra a l'altra mà, Alex Petruk APe, imatge promocional, un barroc flamenc, premsa privada

A New Musical Approach

The Crab Apples, the group originally from Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana, have released their latest EP titled ‘Un volantazo’, marking a radical change in their musical style. In this new work, the group has opted for direct and raw lyrics, moving away from the approach to electronics that characterized their previous album, CRAP. The production of ‘Un volantazo’ stands out for putting the group’s four main instruments in the foreground: voice, guitar, bass and drums.

Training and Inspiration

With more than 10 years of experience, The Crab Apples is made up of singer and guitarist Carla Gimeno, guitarist Laia Alsina, bassist Laia Martí and drummer Mauro Cavallaro. The title of the new EP arises in response to criticism received for their last album, reflecting the group’s determination to take the reins of their project and empower themselves.

Exploration and Experimentation

The creation process of ‘Un volantazo’ spanned more than a year, during which the group allowed itself the necessary time to explore and experiment, resulting in a more raw and powerful approach, although maintaining the pop essence in the melodies. This new work is presented as an evolution towards a more rock sound, highlighting the rawness and power in the musical execution.

Growth and Empowerment

The group emphasizes that, throughout their career, they have consciously taken turns, assuming control of their artistic direction. The lyrics of ‘Un volantazo’ reflect greater authenticity and sincerity, addressing everyday topics such as anxiety, doubts and empowerment, always maintaining a spark of hope in the midst of darkness.

Language Diversity and Collaborations

The EP includes a song in Catalan, ‘Tot dona voltes’, marking the group’s return to their mother tongue. In addition, it has the collaboration of GUINEU, enriching the linguistic and musical diversity of the work. The inclusion of a cover of the song ‘Maschin’ by Austrian group Bilderbuch adds a distinctive touch to the EP.

Influences and References

The Crab Apples recognize the influence of groups such as The Cranberries, HAIM, Warpaint and Hinds on their musical development, highlighting the importance of these references in their artistic evolution.

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