Inici » The fight between Puigdemont and Orriols: growing tensions in Catalonia

The fight between Puigdemont and Orriols: growing tensions in Catalonia

La foto de un bar de una cervecería con gente en La guerra estalla entre Carles Puigdemont y Sílvia Orriols La sombra de la moción de censura en Ripoll dispara la tensión entre Junts y Aliança Catalana En julio de 2023, Carles Puigdemont sorprendió con unas declaraciones en las que elogiaba a Xavier García Albiol y criticaba duramente a Aliança Catalana. "Hay una percepción en Badalona, ​​y puede que no esté equivocada, de que Albiol fue y puede ser un buen alcalde", dijo a Rac1. A continuación, lamentó que no se haya llegado a un acuerdo en Ripoll para evitar la(8k, mejor calidad, obra maestra, muy detallado:1.1)

An unexpected rivalry

In July 2023, Carles Puigdemont made statements that set off alarms in the Catalan political sphere. In a surprising twist, he praised Xavier García Albiol, while harshly criticizing Aliança Catalana. In his own words, he expressed that ‘the perception in Badalona could be correct, Albiol was a good mayor’. His frustration became evident when he regretted that Sílvia Orriols had won the mayorship of Ripoll, a municipality that he considers vital.

Internal divisions in Junts

Weeks before, Junts had experienced an intense debate about its collaboration with Aliança Catalana, alongside the PSC, ERC and the CUP. Puigdemont lobbied to try to strip Orriols of the mayorship, but Laura Borràs strongly opposed it, arguing that the will of the people could not be ignored. ‘I’m not a partisan’, she said, underlining her stance against maneuvers that could benefit Junts at the expense of democracy.

A changing landscape

Since then, the situation has changed dramatically. Together it has experienced an unfortunate electoral cycle, losing influence both in local institutions and in Congress. In addition, Puigdemont has chosen to distance himself from the Borràs sector, once again consolidating figures from the old guard. At the same time, the party has experienced an ideological turn to the right, with the aim of regaining centrality within conservative nationalism in Catalonia.

The rise of Aliança Catalana

At the same time, Aliança Catalana has experienced remarkable growth, dominating the public debate on controversial issues such as immigration and security. This has caused a reaction among the mayors of Junts, who have toughened their immigration discourse. The popularity of Sílvia Orriols has grown at the same time that Puigdemont has been losing support.

The fears of Junts

Concerns among the Junts ranks intensified when Aliança Catalana announced its intention to run in the regional elections scheduled for May. The reaction was immediate: an agreement with PSC, ERC, CUP and Commons to avoid pacts with Alliance after the elections. However, this strategy was compromised by the electoral reality, which showed the impact of the new formation on support for Puigdemont.

The motion of censure as a strategy

Currently, within Junts there are no doubts about the danger of Aliança Catalana for its continuity. The flight of leaders to this new formation is a worrying sign for Puigdemont, who is trying to regroup independence. It seems that he has decided to take drastic measures, including the possibility of a motion of no confidence against Orriols in Ripoll.

Consequences of the maneuver

But this maneuver is not without risks. Agreeing with the PSC for this motion could weaken Junts’ image and complicate its national strategy. In addition, this action would occur when Aliança Catalana has already established a strong presence in the Catalan political scene. The idea of ​​moving against Orriols could result in a battle that Junts is not ready to win.

Final reflections

With such a polarized scenario, the confrontation between Puigdemont and Orriols not only highlights the internal tensions in Junts, but also redefines Catalan politics. Ignoring Aliança Catalana could be the only viable strategy for Junts, which is now in a critical situation. The decisions they take in the coming months will be fundamental in determining their future in the complex political landscape of Catalonia.

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