Inici » The FiM Vila-seca: A Family and Emerging Music Festival

The FiM Vila-seca: A Family and Emerging Music Festival

una gran multitud de gent asseguda davant d'un escenari amb una pantalla al costat i un altaveu a l'escenari, Edi Rama, panoràmica, una representació digital, accionisme vienès

Eloi Duran: An Emerging Artist With a Unique Sound

During FiM Vila-seca, emerging artist Eloi Duran presented his first album entitled ‘El Bon Nen’. With a fusion of original songs and electronic indie-pop, Duran offered a unique sound that captivated the audience. His intimate lyrics and the intimacy of his songs conveyed an emotional experience to those in attendance.

Gregotechno: The Fusion of Electronic Music and Gregorian Chant

Gregotechno, a duo formed by Marc Vilajuana and Alejandro Narés, presented a groundbreaking proposal at FiM Vila-seca. Fusing contemporary electronic music with Gregorian chant, they created a unique sound experience. Using microscopy techniques, they projected images of the microcosm of the life forms of sacred natural sites in Catalonia.

Light: A Dual Project With a Unique Stage

Llum, an artist, composer and producer, presented her first dual project at FiM Vila-seca. With the EPs ‘No light’ and ‘Without darkness’, Llum explored the contrast between light and darkness. Accompanied by Arnau Grabolosa, the artist offered a powerful and eclectic live performance, fusing different musical genres such as industrial, pop and underground electronica.

La Niña Paracaídas: A Debut Album With Strength and Talent

La Niña Paracaídas, a band from Lleida made up of five girls, presented their debut album ‘Simulacro De Incendio’. With pop-punk influences from the 90s and 2000s, this band delivered a powerful and passionate live show, demonstrating the strength and talent of women in the music scene.

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