Inici » The Genesis of Les Feres in The Second Periphery

The Genesis of Les Feres in The Second Periphery

un home assegut davant d'un prestatge de llibres amb un llibre al costat i un llibre davant seu, Alexis Grimou, David Lazar, un retrat, superplan.

The Game of Uriol Gilibets

On many occasions, it has been considered that a book raises questions, sometimes even unanswered questions, and becomes a formulation exposed to the weather. Uriol Gilibets has recently published Les Feres a La Segona Perifèria, a work that seems full of questions about its own genesis.

The Gilibets Profile

Gilibets, known as X on Twitter, is an active writer on television shows and a prominent figure on the Read podcast. In addition, he directed and presented Una história de la literatura on TV3. His understanding of the cathodic code is complete, using irony as a main tool in his works. This irony is evident in the monographic episodes of authors, where he fills the conversations with apparently empty content, but which hides a deep reflection on human singularity.

The Presentation of Les Feres

During the presentation of the book, Gilibets highlighted the cinematographic and literary references present in the work. However, he made it clear that beauty is not the main theme of the novel, introducing readers to a world where characters such as Monsignor Antoni, the Peülles family and other events unfold in 13 peculiarly structured chapters.

The Talent of Screenwriter

Gilibets’ novel highlights his talent as a humorist, defying any attempt at seriousness with seemingly inconsequential conversations. This constant play between seriousness and irony is one of the most outstanding features of the play.

The Narrative of Les Feres

The narrative of Les Feres presents a metaphorical world and a structure that defies traditional narrative conventions. The reader is led down a path where any attempt to follow a clear plot line is thwarted, resulting in a unique and unpredictable reading experience.

The Future of Gilibets

With the announcement of Gilibets intention to write a trilogy, the unknown remains as to how his technique will evolve in the next works. The reader remains expectant before the possibility of a radical change in its narrative and theme, keeping alive the intrigue generated by Les Feres a La Segona Perifèria.

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