Inici » The Gralla and its Resilience in the Congost River

The Gralla and its Resilience in the Congost River

La grajilla está consolidando su población en torno al río Congost en Granollers. Según Jordi Morote, vecino de la ciudad aficionado a la ornitología, ya hay una treintena de ejemplares. Entre otros, aprovechan como refugio antiguos nidos de loros que hay en los cedros situados en la calle Joan Camps i Giró, cerca de la Escuela Salvador Espriu. Estos quedaron sin uso debido a la retirada de loros adultos -especie invasora- que llevó a cabo el Ayuntamiento. nnnnMorote indica que, de momento(8k, mejor calidad, obra maestra, muy detallado:1.1)

A New Home on the River

The jackdaw, a bird with remarkable adaptability, has found a new space around the Congost River in Granollers. According to amateur ornithologist Jordi Morote, the population of these birds has stabilized with about thirty individuals. Using old parrot nests in the cedars of Carrer Joan Camps i Giró, these birds have settled in an area that had recently been uninhabited due to the decline in adult parrots, an invasive species that has been the subject of municipal control.

Adaptation and Reproduction

Morote is not sure if the jackdaws have been breeding in these old nests, but he has observed that they have found other suitable places, such as the balcony vents of nearby buildings, which offer the necessary conditions. He also assumes that they may be using the lighting towers in Congost Park as a breeding site.

Observations and Behavior

With a particular interest in ornithology, Morote has witnessed how the jackdaws gather in reedbeds along the river, sharing the space with the stilts, white birds that adapt well to aquatic life. The jackdaw, which tends to live in communities, has expanded its presence along the river until reaching Les Franqueses, demonstrating its capacity for adaptation and survival.

Return Story

Five years ago, Morote alerted the Granollers Natural Sciences Museum (MCNG) about the return of the jackdaw, after detecting three pairs in nest boxes installed in the columns of the Ronda Sud bridge between 2011 and 2012. This observation marked a turning point in the monitoring of the population of these birds in the area.

Interesting Facts

Xavier Larruy, biologist and head of bird monitoring at the MCNG, confirmed the presence of five pairs of jackdaws last spring, with a ringed specimen that had been identified in Lleida. The distance traveled by this bird highlights its capacity for dispersal and adaptation to new environments, as it did not find other suitable places until reaching Granollers.

Environmental Impact

Larruy highlights that the jackdaw, by occupying parrot nests, is a positive sign for its population, as it indicates an increase in the number of individuals. Considered a vulnerable species, the jackdaw plays an important role in the ecosystem, as it is omnivorous and can help control the parrot population, thus contributing to the balance of the local environment.

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