Inici » The impact of technology on society and online scams

The impact of technology on society and online scams

un home amb un uniforme blau està treballant en un ordinador en una habitació amb altres persones al fons, Arvid Nyholm, vfx, una foto d'estoc, futurisme

The influence of technology in our society

The advancement of technology has had a significant impact on our society. It has provided enormous benefits in many areas of life, such as communication, access to information and ease of everyday tasks. However, not everything is positive. The use of the internet has also given rise to fraudulent practices that can have disastrous consequences for people.

The National Police alert on the spoofing scam

The National Police is working to fight online scams and uses social media to alert the public to these fraudulent practices. Recently, they have reported on a new type of scam known as spoofing.

What is spoofing?

Spoofing is a technique used by criminals to impersonate banks, supermarkets and other organizations in order to deceive people and steal money from them. These scammers try to get their victims to provide their personal and banking details, in order to gain access to all their information.

How does spoofing work?

Criminals use different tactics to trick their victims. An example is the simulation of phone calls, where you pretend to be representatives of banks or other entities. They use phrases like ‘I’m calling you from your bank, for security reasons, don’t say your password, type it on the keyboard’. If the person follows these instructions and enters their PIN, criminals gain access to their keys and can access their bank account.

How to protect yourself from online scams?

To avoid becoming a victim of online scams, it is important to take precautions and follow some recommendations. One of them is to be alert to suspicious e-mail or SMS messages. It is important to remember that banks and other legitimate institutions will never ask for confidential information through these means of communication. If you receive a message asking for your personal data, it is best to delete it immediately. It is also important to pay attention to grammatical errors or misspellings in these messages, as these may be signs that they are fake.

In short, technology has had a positive impact on our society, but it has also given rise to fraudulent practices such as spoofing. It is important to be alert and take precautions to protect yourself from these online scams.

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