Inici » The importance of addressing the problems of violence and crime in Catalonia

The importance of addressing the problems of violence and crime in Catalonia

un grup d'agents de policia al voltant d'un home en una camilla en un passadís amb un edifici al fons, Edi Rama, escena d'acció, trencaclosques, accionisme vienès

A problem that cannot be ignored

After witnessing a series of violent events in Catalonia, such as shootings in the streets, assaults in hospitals, deaths and revenge, it is evident that we have a problem of violence and crime that cannot be minimized or ignored.

The politically correct story and its consequences

However, the politically correct narrative tends to deny insecurity and minimize the dimension of the problem. This not only hides the reality of crime, but also minimizes the suffering of victims. It is important to address crime without fear of pointing out criminals and understand the origins of the problems in order to find effective solutions.

Immigration and its proper management

Another important topic that is avoided being discussed is immigration and its management in Catalonia. It is necessary to have a rational debate on this issue and recognize the need for proper management to avoid social problems and fractures in society. Denying this debate only allows the extreme right to appropriate the problem and use it in a demagogic way.

Radical Islam and its presence in Catalonia

Another problem that is not adequately addressed is that of radical Islam, which is present in Catalonia. It is important to denounce the perversion of this religion to impose anti-democratic codes and to recognise the need to confront this phenomenon. Denying this problem only allows it to grow and multiply, endangering the coexistence and democratic solidity of our society.

The importance of opening public debate

If decent parties do not address these problems and a relevant public debate is not opened, the extreme right will take advantage of the situation and grow demagogically. Denying problems only leads to social chaos. It is time to learn from other countries and face these challenges responsibly.

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