Inici » The importance of health in sport

The importance of health in sport

un grup d'homes de peu davant d'una taula en una habitació amb dues pantalles grans a la paret, Bernardo Daddi, behance hd, una foto d'estoc, premsa privada

A new perspective on the health of athletes

The field of health linked to sport is a field that still remains to be explored. Although there are few companies dedicated to the health of athletes, many of them do not have a medical basis. This is the reason why the executive director of Onalabs, Elisabet del Valle, emphasizes that FC Barcelona focused on them to establish an alliance. After several years of collaboration with the Barça Innovation Hub (BIHUB), the Catalan club contacted Onalabs laboratories to work together on the development of devices adapted to the new era of technology, health and sport From this alliance is born ONASPORT, an innovative non-invasive device in the form of a chest band that records, processes and displays in real time and continuously and remotely the lactate level, electrolyte loss, dehydration through sweat and heart rate.

A revolution in the monitoring of athletes

According to the CEO of the company, the continuous monitoring of the athlete is mainly limited to the heart rate and the invasive and non-continuous measurement of lactate, as the only relevant parameters. In addition, obtaining the results requires a blood draw through a puncture. That’s why the new device has been created to revolutionize these methods and allow users to have full control over their performance instantly, continuously and non-invasively. This portable device can be integrated into any computer system through an API, thus ensuring interoperability and facilitating the recording of biomarker data along with other obtained parameters. In addition, it allows you to download the history to quickly visualize the evolution of training. ONASPORT’s goal is not to compete with current measurement devices, but to become the reference company in recording the data needed to measure the performance and other parameters of athletes.

A solution to improve sports performance

ONASPORT is the solution that allows users to access biomarkers that will help them manage their sports performance more efficiently and optimize effort to prevent injuries. This device is primarily aimed at endurance sports athletes, team athletes, technical directors and coaches. However, its intuitive interface and accessible functionalities make it a valid option also for amateur athletes looking to improve their goals. In addition, the effectiveness of the device has been scientifically proven through tests carried out by reference entities in the sports field such as the INEFC-UB, the CAR Sant Cugat, the Institute of Biomechanics of Valencia and the Velòdrom vegetable garden

Opening of the first pre-sale

The Catalan company’s device is now available for sale through the Onalabs website. With an initial price of 411.40 euros, the device is available to individuals, institutions and distributors. However, first-time buyers will have to wait between three and five months to receive it at home, as units are limited. According to the CEO, as the company grows, the stock will increase. Onalabs aims to market more than 5,000 devices during the year 2024 through the B2C model and is open to collaborations with distributors (B2B2C).

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