Inici » The intense debate on the amnesty law in Congress

The intense debate on the amnesty law in Congress

un grup de persones assegudes en una habitació amb banderes al fons i un altaveu de peu en un podi, Florence Engelbach, ultra gran angular, renderització digital, secessió de Berlín

Moments of tension in Congress

The last debate on the amnesty law in Congress, prior to its approval and application by the judges, has been marked by moments of great tension. After a first part in which the interventions of Míriam Nogueras and Gabriel Rufián highlighted the historical importance for the independence movement and society in general, it was Santiago Abascal’s turn. With his characteristic belligerent tone, he expressed his firm opposition to the law, going so far as to call it “the biggest attack against the Spanish” in past decades.

Reactions and confrontations

Subsequently, deputy Gerardo Pisarello asked to intervene to respond to Abascal’s statements. During this exchange, Pisarello, amid applause from several deputies, recalled his ancestry as a “grandson of Andalusian republicans” and rejected positions that he described as “neo-Francoist,” highlighting his pride in his Catalan and Latin American identity. This speech was accompanied by criticism of certain organizations and political figures, generating an atmosphere of strong confrontation.

Tension escalation

From this point on, the chamber was involved in a series of shouts, reproaches and insults between parliamentarians from different parties. The president of Congress, Francina Armengol, was forced to intervene to calm things down, rebuking the attitude of certain legislators and receiving the support of a significant part of those present. These incidents reflected the intense polarization and confrontation surrounding the amnesty debate.


The final debate on the amnesty law in Congress has highlighted the deep divisions and tensions that exist in the political sphere. The verbal confrontations and the emotionality of the interventions reflect the importance and sensitivity of this issue for various sectors of society. This episode makes clear the complexity and passion surrounding the discussion around the amnesty, underscoring the need to find ways of dialogue and understanding in a context of marked polarization.

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