Inici » The Internationalist Brigade Laila Jaled shares her experience in Mallorca

The Internationalist Brigade Laila Jaled shares her experience in Mallorca


The Laila Jaled Internationalist Brigade to Mallorca

Last weekend, the Laila Jaled Internationalist Brigade, with members of anti-fascist and anti-imperialist organizations from all over the State, held two conferences in Mallorca to share their experience in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Invited by Citizens for Palestine, they gave a talk at the Inca Shoe Museum in front of about fifty people on Friday, May 3, and the following day they met with a similar number of people at the Ateneo Popular La Fonera from Palma.

Experiences and Teachings

During the conferences, they shared their experiences and the lessons learned during their visits to the Palestinian territories in the last two years, especially in the Dheisheh refugee camp in the West Bank, where they develop several solidarity projects such as painting workshops, music, boxing, leisure and cultural exchanges in collaboration with the Laylac community youth center.

Historical Analysis

In addition to their personal experiences, they addressed the history of colonization, occupation and genocide perpetrated by Zionism for more than 75 years.

Call to Solidarity Action

Citizens for Palestine encourages to be attentive to the networks in the context of the beginning of the Israeli invasion of the Rafah crossing, despite the clear intentions of the Palestinian resistance to negotiate a ceasefire. Various initiatives are being prepared to continue to extend solidarity with the Palestinian people throughout the island, regardless of attempts at Zionist censorship and institutional criminalization by VOX and PP.

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