Inici » The magic of pizzas: a promise of happiness

The magic of pizzas: a promise of happiness

una pizza amb formatge i pepperoni en un plat sobre una taula amb una forquilla i un ganivet al costat, Dom Qwek, fotografia d'aliments professional, un pastel, superplane

The charm of pizzas

When dinner time arrives and we don’t know what to prepare, it is common to hear phrases like “What are we doing for dinner?” or “I don’t really feel like cooking tonight.” And in many homes, the answer to these questions is one word: pizzas. This festive and always enjoyable family dish has become a popular choice any time of year. Pizzas offer us many things: they comfort us, they help us overcome a hangover, they are economical and easy to prepare, everyone likes them, they have good ingredients and they are addictive. In short, a pizza is much more than a simple recipe; It is a promise of happiness.

Supermarket pizzas and their impact on health

However, the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) has warned about the unhealthy nature of supermarket pizzas. After analyzing more than 150 options, only two of them have stood out positively. According to the OCU, these types of foods are not nutritionally balanced and should not be consumed regularly. Most supermarket pizzas are not a healthy alternative due to their high content of salt, saturated fats, sugars and additives.

The exceptions: vegetable pizzas

Although most supermarket pizzas are not recommended from a nutritional point of view, there is one honorable exception: vegetable pizzas. According to the OCU analysis, 17 of the 25 samples of vegetable pizzas obtained an acceptable rating, and two of them were even considered good. These pizzas stand out for their good composition, with many vegetables, few saturated fats and no additives. Although their price may be a little higher, they are a healthier option among supermarket pizzas.

La pizza Veggie Lovers de Garden Gourmet

One of the best-rated vegetable pizzas is the Veggie Lovers from the Garden Gourmet brand. This frozen pizza stands out for its good composition, with many vegetables, few saturated fats and no additives. However, its price is a little higher, since it costs 6.89 euros for a pizza.

The Vegetable pizza from Forno di Pietra de Buitoni

Another recommended option is the Vegetale pizza from Forno di Pietra de Buitoni. This pizza also stands out for not containing additives and has a more affordable price of 3.65 euros. Although it has fewer vegetable ingredients than Veggie Lovers, it is still a good option among supermarket pizzas.

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