Inici » The Myth of Bread and its Influence on Nutrition

The Myth of Bread and its Influence on Nutrition

una barra de pa amb un tros tallat en una safata de fusta sobre una taula amb un ganivet, Bracha L. Ettinger, fotografia professional d'aliments, una foto d'estoc, arbeitsrat für kunst

Dismantling the Myth of Bread as a Fattening Food

There is a widespread belief that bread makes you fat, shared by almost 90% of the population. However, nutritionists refute this claim, pointing out that it is one of the biggest myths in the field of nutrition. Júlia Farré, a renowned nutritionist, has confirmed that this is one of the most frequent questions she receives in relation to bread and its relationship with weight.

Bread: A Processed Food and its Composition

According to the expert, bread is considered a processed food, as it is made with various raw materials and subjected to a cooking process. However, this does not mean that it is ultra-processed and harmful to health. The bread is based on cereals, and in its most classic version, the recipe only contains wheat flour, water, yeast and a little salt. In addition, in the baking process, bread does not become a high-calorie food, thus disproving the popular belief about its impact on weight.

The role of bread in the diet and its relationship with weight

Júlia Farré emphasizes that the problem does not lie with the bread itself, but with the ingredients that are often added to it, such as sausages or sauces. In addition, the association between giving up bread and weight loss can be misleading, as other products that can contribute to weight gain are often given up along with bread.

The nutritionist emphasizes that bread, especially in its integral version, provides slow-assimilating carbohydrates, and it is recommended to include it in the diet, even in cases of weight loss. A study conducted by Missouri State University identified whole wheat bread as a nutritionally favorable option, rich in B vitamins, E, potassium, iron and magnesium.

Selection of Optimal Bread and Recommendations

Whole wheat bread was highlighted as a healthy choice, with positive nutritional values, including 100 calories per 43-gram slice, five grams of protein, five grams of fiber and 20 grams of carbohydrates. In addition, its preparation with whole grain makes it a rich source of fiber. Secondly, rye bread is recommended, but you need to take into account the provenance and added ingredients in other versions of bread, such as cereals.

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