Inici » The participatory process continues to achieve a consensual Pedestrian Ordinance

The participatory process continues to achieve a consensual Pedestrian Ordinance

un home que camina per un carrer davant d'una multitud de persones assegudes en bancs davant d'edificis a banda i banda d'una vorera, Ai Weiwei, foto real, una foto, els automatistes

Alcoi City Council is working to achieve an agreed Pedestrian Ordinance

Alcoi City Council is working on the participatory process to achieve a Pedestrianization Ordinance with the maximum consensus of citizens, entities, merchants, and the neighborhood of the downtown district. The process began at the end of January, after proposals were collected and classified according to their feasibility.

Open meetings to explain the changes to the text

Subsequently, each department of the City Council analyzed them and held a joint meeting, with reports. Now, at the end of May, a new open meeting was held, where the modifications to the text that had been made were explained. All of them will be transferred to the participating people and entities before they are made public.

Proposal for the circulation of vehicles

As explained, an incompatibility was seen between the freedom of schedules and no restrictions for the neighborhood with the placement of terraces for the hospitality industry. This issue entered into debate, and three possible options were thought of (discarding schedules, since each terrace has a different schedule): restrict all traffic, make a combined formula, or give total freedom to the neighborhood to circulate with the car Finally, the proposal that people liked the most was that the neighborhood can circulate without timetables, but with a marked itinerary, in such a way that they can access the pedestrian zone with their vehicle at any time, however, he will not be able to do it through all the streets, and he will have to go through the streets indicated according to the address.

Next steps in the process

The next step in this process will be to convey to the participants all the modifications that have been made to the ordinance, and to give a schedule of what remains of the process. Then, there will be a public consultation of the new ordinance and all the supporting reports of the departments. Once all the allegations have been resolved, and after possible modifications, the initial approval of the political groups will be made in plenary, and then it will go on public display for a month. Later, it will go back to the plenary for final approval.

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