Inici » The plot between CD Alcoyano and Alcoi City Council continues

The plot between CD Alcoyano and Alcoi City Council continues

un grup d'homes davant d'una taula amb taules i cadires blaves al voltant i una pantalla darrere, premsa privada, captura de pantalla, mitjans oficials, Edi Rama

The city council of Alcoy is working to retain CD Alcoyano in the city

The city council of Alcoy continues its efforts to ensure that CD Alcoyano remains in the city. A meeting was recently held between the municipal government and the club to address this issue.

Meeting between political representatives and club members

The meeting was attended by representatives of all the political groups of the town hall, as well as the mayor of Alcoi, Toni Francés, the councilor for Sports, Alberto Belda, the largest shareholder of CD Alcoyano, Juan Carlos Ramírez, the president of the club, Antonio Justicia, and members of the ‘La Moral No Morirà’ platform. During the meeting, the club outlined its needs in relation to facilities, membership base and business partners and sponsors.

Good will and predisposition

After the meeting, all participants expressed a positive feeling and emphasized the good will and willingness to reach a mutually beneficial agreement. A new meeting has been scheduled for next week to continue the talks.

CD Alcoyano could be declared an Asset of Cultural Interest

In addition to the efforts of the city council, an important decision has been taken by the municipal corporation. In an extraordinary and urgent session, it was unanimously approved to start the procedures to declare the Alcoyano CD as an Asset of Cultural Interest in the Intangible category. This decision seeks to recognize the importance of the club for the city of Alcoy.

Before the vote, the Councilor for Cultural Heritage, Ignacio Trelis, read a letter highlighting the importance of the football team to the city. In addition, the councilor of the Popular Party, Jordi Reig, informed that contacts have been established with the president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, to speed up the declaration process. Now, the response of the government of the Generalitat Valenciana is awaited.

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