Inici » The presentation of Joan Zapatero’s latest book in Sant Feliu

The presentation of Joan Zapatero’s latest book in Sant Feliu


A literary meeting in Sant Feliu

Last Friday, Joan Zapatero presented his most recent literary work, Love was stronger, in the Culture Classroom of the Ateneu de Sant Feliu. The author, originally from Tórtoles de Esgueva, Burgos, maintained a close relationship with Sant Feliu, where he worked as a secondary school teacher of religion, geography and history.

After venturing into criticism and essays, Zapatero returns to the literary scene with a novel. During the presentation, his cousin commented on the author’s childhood in a town marked by the Franco regime and the influence of the church. Likewise, she described Zapatero as a charismatic man with a unique personal appeal, highlighting the importance of Sant Feliu in his life.

The educational legacy of Joan Zapatero

Between 1974 and 1990, Joan Zapatero worked as a secondary religion teacher, seeking to change preconceived perceptions about religion and the church. One of his most notable students was Esteve Crespo, current director of RTVE in Catalonia, who remembered Zapatero’s classes as a breath of fresh air at a time of social and democratic change.

Crespo highlighted the importance of communication and respect in the classroom, as well as Zapatero’s pedagogical innovation, describing his classes as a space of freedom to think and give opinions.

The influence of the parish on the life of Joan Zapatero

In addition to his educational work, Joan Zapatero was actively involved in the parishes of Sant Feliu, l’Eixample and Les Planes. A friend of the author since the seventies recalled his participation in exchanges with young people from other parishes, as well as the exploration of new religious currents far from the official discourses of the time.

Zapatero shared that the most fascinating moment of his life was the discovery of the gospel, and detailed some passages from his work, Love Was Stronger, which addresses silenced social problems and tells real stories, such as the reconciliation of a divorced woman with the church. after listening to a homily of his.

The presentation concluded with the signing of copies for friends, former students and former colleagues who came to listen to the author.

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