Inici » The traditional festivals of Catalonia: a unique experience

The traditional festivals of Catalonia: a unique experience

un grup de persones sostenint copes de cervesa en un carrer ple de gent a la nit amb gent al fons, Dick Bickenbach, fotografia de retrat, una foto d'estoc, incoherents


The traditional festivals of Catalonia are unique events that offer an unparalleled experience. Unlike discos and pubs, these popular festivals in towns and neighborhoods immerse you in an authentic atmosphere full of tradition. In addition, these celebrations are usually accompanied by special drinks that are part of Catalan culture and that will make you enjoy the most with your friends.

Catalan festival drinks

In Catalonia, there are five traditional drinks that are enjoyed during the major festivals. These centuries-old drinks, which used to be consumed by our grandparents, are: Moscatel, Cassalla, Ratafía, Burnt Rum and Agua de Valencia. Each of them has its own flavor and characteristics, and they are perfect to accompany the fun and joy of these celebrations.

Mix: the perfect mix

One of the most popular drinks during the holidays is Barreja, a mixture of brandy and wine. This drink is usually enjoyed at events such as Patum de Berga, and it is also common to drink it in the morning with a good breakfast. The most typical combination is muscat and anise, but each town has its own version with different proportions and ingredients.

Masclet: softness and flavor

Another traditional drink is the Masclet, typical of the Reus area. This softer drink is made with black vermouth and Plim, a refreshing fruit drink. If you don’t have Plim, you can use any other soft drink. Masclet is perfect to enjoy as an aperitif during midday.

Burret: a unique combination

The Burret is a combination of liquor-coffee and cola. It is very popular in festive celebrations such as Moors and Christians, especially in Alcoy. It can also be enjoyed at the end of a meal. Another variant of the Burret is the Mentideta, which is made with lemonade or lemon slushie instead of cola.

Pomada: the flavor of Menorca

La Pomada is a typical drink from the island of Menorca. It consists of a mixture of gin and lemonade, using a special gin from the island called Gin Xoriguer. This refreshing drink is perfect to enjoy during the holidays and represents the characteristic flavor of Menorca.

Mamadeta: the official drink

La Mamadeta is the official drink of the Santa Tecla festivities. It is made with herbal liqueur and lemon granita, using Chartreuse liqueur, a French brand with tradition in Tarragona. This unique drink is perfect for toasting during celebrations and is part of the Santa Tecla tradition.

Enjoy traditional festivals

These five traditional drinks are just a sample of the diversity and richness of traditional festivals in Catalonia. Furthermore, in the Valencian Country and the Balearic Islands you will also find unique drinks that will allow you to enjoy an unforgettable experience. So leave conventional drinks behind and immerse yourself in the culture and tradition of Catalonia with these delicious drinks. Don’t miss the song ‘Una altra ronda’ by the group Roba Estesa, which will make you vibrate to the rhythm of our traditional festivals!

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