Inici » The Truth about the Emergency Service in Tremp

The Truth about the Emergency Service in Tremp

La alcaldesa de Tremp (Pallars Jussà), Sílvia Romero, ha negado las acusaciones del portavoz de Junts per la Seu, Jordi Fàbrega, que afirmó que el helicóptero del Servicio de Emergencias (SEM) de la base de Sabadell sólo da servicio al Área Metropolitana de Barcelona. En referencia a la polémica generada en los últimos días sobre la inactividad del helicóptero en Tremp durante unas semanas para realizar las tareas de mantenimiento correspondientes por parte de la empresa concesionaria, Romero d(8k, best quality, masterpiece, highly detailed:1.1)

Debunking Myths about the SEM Helicopter

Recently, Sílvia Romero, the mayor of Tremp, has responded firmly to the claims of Jordi Fàbrega, spokesperson for Junts per la Seu, who insinuated that the Emergency Service (SEM) helicopter based in Sabadell only operates for the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. Romero has stressed that these claims are completely unfounded.

The Aircraft Inactivity Controversy

The recent controversy over the lack of activity of the helicopter in Tremp, due to maintenance needs, has generated concern among the population. During a municipal session held this Monday, Romero clarified that the service has not been neglected at any time.

Alternative Measures to Guarantee Security

The mayor explained that, while the helicopter was out of service, an effective contingency plan was implemented. This included the assignment of an additional medically equipped ambulance to Pobla de Segur, as well as the use of other available resources, such as the fire brigade aircraft in Seu d’Urgell and the helicopter from the Parc Taulí hospital in Sabadell, which is the only one in Catalonia with a night service.

Criticism of the Dealership

Romero, who also serves as the Government delegate for Alt Pirineu and Aran, expressed her concern about the concessionaire’s shortcomings in replacing the medicalized aircraft. She pointed out that, instead of fulfilling its responsibilities, the company prefers to face fines that can reach up to one million euros.

Difficulties in Changing Dealer

The situation is complicated, as only two companies operate in the sector in Spain, which limits the options for change. This reality makes managing the emergency service in the region a constant challenge.

Message of Peace for the Community

Finally, Romero wanted to calm the concerns of citizens, assuring them that ‘we are safe, insured and covered’ in the face of any health emergency. His determination to guarantee the safety and well-being of the population is clear and constant.

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