Inici » Tips for cooking tender and delicious cuttlefish

Tips for cooking tender and delicious cuttlefish

una dona amb un abric de xef davant d'un taulell amb fruites i verdures, Barbara Longhi, pell d'oliva, retrat d'un personatge, premsa privada


The chef of the Semproniana restaurant, Ada Parellada, shares her experience and culinary knowledge with gastronomy lovers in Catalonia. On this occasion, she gives us tips for cooking cuttlefish so that it is tender and delicious. We will learn innovative techniques and tricks that will allow us to fully enjoy this marine product.

Preparation of the cuttlefish

To achieve soft, tender cuttlefish, it is important to follow a few key steps. First, we must clean, chop and let the cuttlefish drain well to eliminate excess water. Then dry it carefully with kitchen paper. Next, turn on the heat high and cook the cuttlefish in a pan without oil so that all the liquid is released. If water continues to be released during cooking, the cuttlefish and water should be removed and the process continued. Then, cook it for another minute over high heat and add the other ingredients, such as oil, garlic and chopped parsley.

Other cooking options

In addition to the previous technique, there are other ways to cook cuttlefish so that it is tender. One option is to sauté or stew it over medium-low heat for 20 or 25 minutes. This cooking allows it to be combined with other more powerful ingredients and give it a prominent role in any dish. Another alternative is to freeze the cuttlefish and then grill it over high heat for a short time. It is important not to stir constantly to avoid losing its juices. If it is overcooked, it can be stewed for an hour to obtain a tender and tasty texture.

Two cooking options

In summary, there are two main options for cooking cuttlefish. The first is to grill it over very high heat for a few minutes, whether fresh or frozen. In this case, it is recommended to brown it without oil and add the additional ingredients at the end. The second option is to sauté or stew it over medium-low heat for 20 or 25 minutes. This technique allows it to be combined with other ingredients and give it a prominent role in the dish. In both cases, you will obtain a tender and delicious cuttlefish.

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