Inici » Tolls on the C-16

Tolls on the C-16

una carretera plena de trànsit al costat d'una serralada amb arbres i un rètol a sobre, Carlos Trillo Nom, foto real, una foto tilt shift, les automatistes

A controversial measure

In mid-March, it was announced that the Department of Territory of the Generalitat de Catalunya intended to make the Sant Vicenç-Castellbell toll free from Monday to Friday, as long as the return journey is made within the following twenty- and-four hours. This measure has generated an intense debate in the central counties, which have been sufficiently abused by road communications with the Metropolitan Area.

Discrimination in the proposed measure

If we focus on the proposed measure, which would be applied on days with less traffic, and not on weekends or holidays, it is discriminatory in many ways. Many users who work on weekends and holidays should pay, as well as those who have a need to take the C-16 freeway for any purpose. We all pay for these discounts and freebies in the form of payments and subsidies to the concessionaire, which gives everyone the right to use them under the same conditions.

The need to improve communications

In full debate about the need to split the C-55 2+2, it is clear that the central counties need improvements in their communications. The conditions of the communication routes, both by road and by rail, make it difficult for professionals to come to work in Central Catalonia. It is important to take these needs into account and look for solutions that benefit all citizens.

The management of the C-16 highway

The government has argued that the C-16 motorway is the solution and that there is no need for a motorway on the C-55. However, reality shows that they are complementary ways and that both are necessary. It is important that transparent management is carried out and that citizens’ opinions are taken into account when making decisions.

The future of the C-16 highway

When the C-16 highway concession ends in 2037, it is uncertain what will happen. If the concession is extended again, as has already happened in the past, it is important to remember the promises that have been made and demand transparency in the technical and economic data of the concession conditions. Citizens have the right to know this information, as they are the ones who bear the tolls and taxes.


It is important to take into account the different aspects related to tolls on the C-16 and look for solutions that benefit all citizens. Communications in the central regions must be improved and transparent and participative management must be guaranteed. In this way, a sustainable future can be ensured for inner Catalonia.

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