Inici » Tragic accident in Barcelona: young man dies after falling from a palm tree

Tragic accident in Barcelona: young man dies after falling from a palm tree

una palmera en un carrer de la ciutat amb edificis al fons i un cotxe aparcat al carrer davant seu, Carles Delclaux Is, palmeres, una escultura surrealista, land art

Tragic event in the Raval neighborhood

A 20-year-old girl lost her life on August 3, 2023 when she was hit by the top of a palm tree on Joaquim Costa Street in the Raval neighborhood of Barcelona. Almost a year later, an agreement has been reached for compensation for her death.

Barcelona City Council has agreed on financial compensation of more than 240,000 euros with the legal representatives of Shamira Yeguas, the deceased young woman, and the municipal insurer. This compensation has been paid after a process that lasted several months.

Search for responsibilities

In the fall of last year, Shamira’s family requested authorization to carry out expert tests on the tree that caused the tragic event. Although the case was filed, both parties have agreed to compensation for property liability and personal injuries.

The City Council has maintained its position of disassociating itself from any culpability in the incident, arguing that criminal proceedings were ruled out by the judge. Furthermore, the speed of the negotiations to reach an agreement, held by the legal representatives of the private prosecution, has been highlighted.

Repercussions and measures taken

Shamira’s tragic death sparked criticism of the City Council and its palm tree maintenance policies in the city. As a result, it was decided to cut down all date palms over 10 meters high located in areas considered at risk, after an exhaustive review that identified 540 specimens to be cut down.

From the beginning, the victim’s family sought to clarify whether there was negligence in the care and treatment of the palm tree. This tragic incident also reignited the debate about the state of health of palm trees in the city, generating a comprehensive review of these structures.

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