Inici » Transhumance and its importance for sustainable livestock farming

Transhumance and its importance for sustainable livestock farming

un home de peu davant d'un ramat d'ovelles en un camp d'herba i arbres, amb una muntanya al fons, Bernat Sanjuan, fotografia premiada, una foto d'estoc, incoherents


Transhumance is an ancestral practice that has been part of the livestock culture in Spain since ancient times…

Transhumance: a practice in danger

Transhumance is a grazing system that involves the seasonal movement of livestock from winter to summer grazing areas…

The role of the new generations

Despite the challenges facing transhumance, new generations have the opportunity to play a crucial role in its preservation and revitalization…

Benefits of transhumance

Transhumance is not only important for the conservation of the environment and biodiversity, but also has social, economic and cultural benefits…


Transhumance is an ancestral practice that has been a fundamental part of the livestock culture in Spain…

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