Inici » Ultra-processed foods and their impact on health

Ultra-processed foods and their impact on health

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The growing dominance of ultra-processed foods

Ultra-processed foods are increasingly replacing healthy diets around the world, despite the health risks they pose. According to nutritional scientist Carlos Monteiro, these foods are increasing their participation in global diets, increasing the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

Anti-smoking style labels

Monteiro suggests that ultra-processed foods should be sold with warnings similar to those of tobacco. These warnings could help make people aware of the health risks associated with eating these foods. In addition, he proposes that advertising of these products be restricted or banned, and that warnings be introduced on packaging to inform consumers of the health dangers.

The increase in consumption of ultra-processed foods

The consumption of ultra-processed foods is increasing around the world. In countries like the United Kingdom and the United States, more than half of the average diet consists of ultra-processed foods. For some people, especially those on low income or in disadvantaged areas, up to 80% of their diet is made up of these foods.

Health risks

Ultra-processed foods are associated with a number of harmful health effects. Studies have shown that its consumption increases the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes and mental health problems. Furthermore, a direct relationship has been found between the consumption of ultra-processed foods and premature death.

The importance of awareness

It is crucial to make people aware of the health risks associated with ultra-processed foods. Monteiro and other experts suggest that public health campaigns similar to those carried out against tobacco be implemented. These campaigns could include information about the health dangers of consuming ultra-processed foods and restrictions on the advertising of these products.

The role of large corporations

Large food corporations that market ultra-processed foods play an important role in their market dominance. These companies seek to maximize their profits by making their products more convenient, affordable and tasty than freshly prepared meals. However, this has a negative impact on people’s health, since these products usually have a low production cost and promote excessive consumption.


Ultra-processed foods represent a challenge to public health around the world. Their increasing dominance in global diets is associated with increased risk of chronic diseases and decreased diet quality. It is essential to take measures to raise people’s awareness of health risks and promote a healthy and balanced diet.

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