Inici » Union of Aspiravi and Fundeen for a Photovoltaic Project in Catalonia

Union of Aspiravi and Fundeen for a Photovoltaic Project in Catalonia

un gran camp de plaques solars en una zona rural amb un cel blau i camps verds al fons, Évariste Vital Luminais, solarpunk, un trencaclosques, art ecològic

A Step Towards the Energy Transition

Sant Fruitós will be the host of the only subsidized solar park with REER rate in Catalonia, offering a priority opportunity for the residents, companies and institutions of Sant Fruitós, Bages and central Catalonia, within a radius of up to 60 km. This alliance represents a major advance in the acceleration of the energy transition, both from the point of view of supply and demand.

Key Collaboration

The collaboration between ASPIRAVI and Km0 Energy has been key to the development of this project. ASPIRAVI is an independent energy producer with shareholders in 94 municipalities in the Flanders region, while Km0 Energy is a company specialized in the promotion of local and decentralized renewable energy projects.

Citizen Participation

Fundeen, a participatory co-investment platform in renewable energy projects, has opened public participation to anchor the project. This participation is open to all residents, companies and public institutions in the areas of Sant Fruitós, Bages, central Catalonia and those municipalities within a radius of 60 km.

Social License and Community Participation

This project is another step in obtaining the social license, prioritizing investment among the population most affected by the solar plant. The active participation of citizens and private companies in these projects not only encourages local investment and economic development, but also ensures that communities benefit directly from sustainable initiatives.

Profitability and Opportunity

The project offers an annual return of 6.5% over a period of 5 years with quarterly interest payments. In addition, it is an opportunity to invest in sustainability and take another step towards the energy transition, with the guarantee of the prestigious independent energy producer ASPIRAVI.

Collective Involvement

Nacho Bautista, CEO of Fundeen, highlights the importance of collective effort in the energy transition, while Iñaki Muñiz, Director of ASPIRAVI Spain, encourages all citizens to participate in this project with a positive impact on the territory.

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