Inici » Warning from the DGT: fine for an incorrectly installed tow ball

Warning from the DGT: fine for an incorrectly installed tow ball

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The importance of correctly installing a tow ball

The General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) has issued a crucial warning to all drivers who use a tow ball in their cars. According to the DGT, if the tow ball is incorrectly installed, drivers can face a heavy fine and endanger their own safety and that of other road users.

Risks of a poorly installed tow ball

A tow ball is a device fitted to the back of your car to attach trailers, caravans or bike racks. Although it is very useful for carrying additional loads, it is important to note that it must comply with legal regulations to be considered safe and legal.

If the tow ball is installed incorrectly, it can affect the stability of the vehicle and increase the risk of accidents. In addition, improper installation may cause damage to the car’s electrical system and other components.

Fine for an improperly installed tow ball

The DGT has established penalties for drivers who carry an improperly installed tow ball. If the tow ball is an obstacle to the display of the license plate, the fine will be 200 euros. In addition, if the tow ball is not installed by an authorized workshop, the fine can reach 400 euros.

Authorized workshops have the necessary certification to install tow balls safely and in accordance with current regulations. It is important to ensure that the installation is carried out in an authorized workshop to avoid penalties and ensure road safety.

Check the correct installation of the tow ball

The DGT can verify whether the tow ball has been installed correctly in a number of ways. One of the most common is through the Technical Inspection of Vehicles (ITV). During the MOT, technicians check that the tow ball is properly installed and complies with safety regulations.

In addition, traffic officers can carry out roadside inspections to check the correct installation of the tow ball. If they detect that the installation is incorrect, they can impose the corresponding fine.

Documentation required to demonstrate legal installation

When installing a tow ball at an authorized workshop, an installation certificate must be provided. This document is essential to demonstrate that the installation has been carried out in accordance with legal regulations. It is important to carry this certificate in the car, as it may be requested during an inspection.

To pass the MOT with a tow ball, you must present the certificate of installation and ensure that the ball is in good condition. The technicians will check that there is no damage and that the electrical system is working properly. If everything is in order, the MOT will pass without any problems.

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