Inici » Workshop to understand electricity and gas bills in Can Pantiquet

Workshop to understand electricity and gas bills in Can Pantiquet


The Energy Rehabilitation Office organizes an activity to help understand electricity and gas bills

The Energy Rehabilitation Office has organized an informative workshop in Can Pantiquet to help citizens understand electricity and gas bills. This workshop aims to provide participants with the necessary tools to understand the basics related to energy bills and learn how to read them efficiently.

During the workshop, attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the different concepts that appear on bills, such as energy consumption, rates, taxes and fees. In addition, practical advice will be provided to reduce energy consumption and save on bills.

An opportunity to learn about energy efficiency and responsible consumption

This workshop is an opportunity for the citizens of Mollet del Vallès to learn about energy efficiency and responsible consumption. With rising energy prices and growing concern for the environment, it is important that people are well informed about how to use energy efficiently and reduce their environmental impact.

In addition, this workshop also seeks to promote awareness about the responsible use of energy and encourage the adoption of sustainable habits in the consumption of electricity and gas. This is an opportunity for the citizens of Mollet del Vallès to actively participate in the transition towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy model.

An initiative of the Energy Rehabilitation Office

This workshop is an initiative of the Mollet del Vallès Energy Rehabilitation Office, which aims to promote energy efficiency and sustainability in the domestic sphere. The Energy Rehabilitation Office offers advice and support to citizens to improve the energy efficiency of their homes and reduce energy consumption.

In addition to informative workshops, the Office of Energy Rehabilitation also offers other services such as personalized advice, grants for energy rehabilitation and information on the latest developments in sustainable technologies. With these initiatives, the Energy Rehabilitation Office seeks to promote awareness of energy efficiency and promote the adoption of measures to reduce the environmental impact of homes in Mollet del Vallès.

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