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A Critical Look at Health Care: Rethinking the Role of Professionals and the Public System


A Look at the Past: The Evolution of Family Health Care

The first doctor who was part of our family history was called Gamarra. In addition to taking care of the generation before ours, his figure becomes a legacy present in our family conversations. His proximity, personalized knowledge of the family and his home visits with his briefcase define an era in which the public health system was not yet the benchmark.

Over time, this doctor was integrated into the public health system, which gradually gained in resources, professionals and means. But the positive evolution experienced in the last decades of the last century seems to have stagnated, if not regressed.

Current Challenges: Reflections on the Health Care Crisis

Complaints from healthcare workers fill the headlines almost daily. Precarious working conditions that make optimal care difficult, along with frequent examples of a healthcare system that is not up to par, are recurring themes in colloquial conversations.

While the lack of financial resources is an obvious reason for this crisis, the management of these resources plays a key role. In times of cuts, it is imperative to use them efficiently and prioritize the real needs of the population.

The Key to Health Care: The Role of Professionals

The satisfaction of health professionals is essential for quality care. When professionals feel valued and have autonomy in their work, the impact on service quality is undeniable.

However, we notice a worrying trend. Many bright students opt for other careers despite having a vocation for medicine, contributing to a shortage of professionals in the sector. It is imperative to rethink training and value local vocations.

In addition, health policies must emphasize the development of professionals, providing them with resources for continuing education and recognizing their work beyond external criteria.

Finally, promoting the autonomy of professionals in their work is crucial. This does not mean working in isolation, but being able to make informed decisions that benefit patients and foster better coordination between health teams.

Rethinking Management: Towards a Participatory Model

It is time to redefine management in health centers. The participation of professionals in decision-making is key to improving the effectiveness of services. The separation between management and care activity can lead to a disconnection between real needs and implemented actions.

It is necessary to promote a more participatory management, which includes the ideas of professionals and gives them responsibility for improving services. This will not only benefit practitioners, but also improve the patient experience and overall system efficiency.

In summary, the current challenge in health care lies not only in the availability of resources, but in the way these resources are managed and how professionals are valued and involved. A change in organizational culture and a greater participation of professionals in decision-making can be the key to a more efficient and humane health system.

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