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Improve your athletic performance with proper breathing

una dona amb una samarreta blava sosté una raqueta de tennis a la mà i mira a la distància, Ada Hill Walker, cel blau, una foto d'estoc, figuració lliure

The importance of breathing in sport

Breathing properly during sports practice is essential to maximize performance and minimize fatigue. Efficient breathing ensures that the muscles receive enough oxygen and that carbon dioxide is effectively removed, which is crucial for maintaining metabolic balance and physical endurance. Next, we explore various breathing techniques for different types of sports and how they can improve athletic performance.

Breathing techniques for aerobic sports

In aerobic sports such as running, swimming or cycling, it is essential to maintain a constant and deep breathing rhythm. Diaphragmatic breathing, also known as abdominal breathing, is especially helpful. This method involves expanding the abdomen when inhaling, allowing more air to enter the lungs and better oxygenation.

Breathing in endurance sports

In endurance sports such as weightlifting, breathing plays a crucial role in stabilizing the body and generating force. Here, the “valsalva” technique is commonly used, although it should be done with caution.

Breathing in relaxation and precision sports

In disciplines such as yoga, pilates or archery, breathing takes a different approach, focusing on relaxation and precision.

General advice to improve breathing in sport

Practicing diaphragmatic breathing, maintaining good posture, staying well hydrated and including breathing exercises in your warm-up and cool-down routines are some of the general tips for improving breathing in sports.


Breathing correctly when playing sports not only improves performance but also contributes to overall health and well-being. Adapting the breathing technique to the type of sport practiced is crucial to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks. Regular and conscious practice of proper breathing can make a big difference to your sporting results and satisfaction.

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