Inici » The link between climate and sleep quality

The link between climate and sleep quality

una dona dormint en un llit amb un coixĂ­ al costat i una llum nocturna al costat del llit, Beeple, foto del producte, una foto d'estoc, neoplasticisme

The relationship between climate and sleep quality

The link between climate and sleep quality is a topic that has captivated the attention of scientists and doctors for many years. In this field of study, a question that often comes up is whether we experience more nightmares when it’s hot. Nightmares, those disturbing dreams that wake us up in the middle of the night with a feeling of anxiety, can be influenced by several factors. In this article, we’ll explore how high temperatures can affect our sleep and, more specifically, the frequency and intensity of nightmares.

The science of sleep and temperature

Sleep is a complex physiological process that is affected by several variables, including environmental temperature. Our bodies follow a circadian rhythm, an internal clock that regulates sleep and wake cycles. Part of this process includes a slight decrease in body temperature before and during sleep. This descent is essential to facilitate deep and restful sleep.

When temperatures are high, the body can have difficulty reducing its internal temperature, which can interfere with the quality of sleep. Studies have shown that high room temperatures can reduce the amount of deep sleep and REM (rapid eye movement), which are the most restful stages of sleep and where most dreams, including nightmares, occur.

Nightmares and heat stress

Heat not only affects the depth of sleep, but also its continuity. Hot nights are often associated with frequent awakenings and fragmented sleep. This fragmentation of sleep can increase the likelihood of remembering dreams, including nightmares. During REM sleep phases, the brain is very active and processes emotions and memories. Heat stress, or the stress the body experiences in trying to regulate its temperature in hot conditions, can contribute to the activation of negative emotions and thus more disturbing dreams.

Studies and evidence

Several studies have investigated the relationship between temperature and sleep quality. A study published in the journal Sleep found that elevated temperatures are correlated with an increase in nighttime awakenings and a decrease in REM sleep. Another study from the University of Pittsburgh found that people report more nightmares during the summer than at other times of the year.

Although the direct relationship between heat and nightmares is not fully established, evidence suggests that heat stress may exacerbate the conditions that favor the occurrence of disturbing dreams. This does not mean that heat is the direct cause of nightmares, but rather acts as a factor that can influence their frequency and intensity.

Tips to improve the quality of sleep in warm climates

For those who experience more nightmares during the hot months, there are several strategies that can help improve sleep quality:

Keep the room cool

Use fans, air conditioning or open windows to maintain a pleasant temperature in the bedroom.

Light bedding

Opt for light and breathable sheets and pajamas made of materials such as cotton.

Warm showers before bed

Taking a warm shower can help lower your body temperature and prepare you for sleep.


Staying well hydrated is crucial, as dehydration can intensify the sensation of heat and heat stress.

In conclusion, although heat is not the only cause of nightmares, it can be a significant factor affecting the quality of sleep and the frequency of disturbing dreams. Maintaining a cool and comfortable environment can help mitigate this effect and promote more restful, nightmare-free sleep.

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