Inici » Young people who speak Catalan are the ones who change their language the most, according to a UIB study

Young people who speak Catalan are the ones who change their language the most, according to a UIB study

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The UIB publishes the sixth Youth Yearbook of the Balearic Islands

The University of the Balearic Islands has announced the sixth edition of the Youth Yearbook of the Balearic Islands, a work that compiles 17 articles on various aspects of the reality of young people in the Balearic Islands.

The use of Catalan among the young people of the Islands is in decline

One of the studies that form part of the Yearbook is the one that states that the Catalan language is losing ground among the young population (between 15 and 29 years old) of the Islands, despite the fact that this population group is the one with a level of knowledge higher, according to the study ‘Young people and languages ​​in the Balearic Islands: attitudes, trajectories and predominant linguistic uses’ by Xisca Castell, Elga Cremades and Maria del Mar Vanrell.

Young Catalan speakers are the ones who change their language the most

The authors of the study express particular concern about the increase in cases of Catalan-speaking young people who stop speaking Catalan and adopt Spanish as their usual language. In fact, they point out, they are the ones who use Catalan the least in their conversations in areas such as school, family, work, friends or leisure.

Catalan, a language only for natives?

The authors of the study regret that the perception persists that Catalan is only appropriate for communicating with people who consider themselves to be native speakers, either because of their way of speaking or their physical appearance.

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