Inici » The legacy of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: Shiloh chooses a new path

The legacy of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: Shiloh chooses a new path

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Shiloh’s impact on changing her last name

For years, Brad Pitt’s name has been synonymous with success in the entertainment industry, but recently, his daughter Shiloh has made a decision that has generated controversy.

Upon turning 18, Shiloh chose to legally eliminate her father’s last name, following the example of her older brothers, Maddox and Zahara, as well as her sister, Vivienne, although the latter has not yet formalized it legally.

This symbolic gesture has had a significant emotional impact on the relationship between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, generating mixed feelings on both parties.

Brad Pitt’s reaction

Brad is reportedly disappointed and saddened by Shiloh’s decision, expressing his love for all of his children and the pain he feels at perceived emotional distancing, exacerbated by the perception that his children have shown preference for their mother.

Angelina Jolie’s posture

In contrast, Angelina Jolie has chosen to stay on the sidelines, displaying an attitude of neutrality that has surprised many. Her silence suggests an acceptance of her daughter’s autonomy to make decisions about her identity and her future.

Shiloh has taken this path alone, hiring her own lawyer and assuming the costs herself, raising the question of whether Brad Pitt will be able to rebuild the broken ties with his children and keep his family name alive for generations to come.

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