Inici Ā» Will Smith regresa a la gran pantalla con ‘Bad Boys: Ride or Die’

Will Smith regresa a la gran pantalla con ‘Bad Boys: Ride or Die’

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Will Smith’s return to the cinema

Two years after his last film, Will Smith returns to the big screen with his new film project. After a time away from the media due to a controversial fight at the 2022 Oscars with Chris Rock, the actor returns with ‘Bad Boys: Ride or Die’. This film, which was released this summer, marks Smith’s return to the action genre and promises to be a box office success.

La trama de ‘Bad Boys: Ride or Die’

In this fourth installment of the successful ‘Bad Boys’ saga, Will Smith reprises his iconic role as Detective Mike Lowery, accompanied again by Martin Lawrence as Marcus Burnett. The film’s plot follows Miami narcotics detectives as they attempt to clear the name of Captain Howard, who has been accused of collaborating with the cartels. However, during the course of the film, the detectives themselves are framed, forcing them to go on the run and fight to prove their innocence.

A nod to the past

In the midst of the explosions and shootings of ‘Bad Boys: Ride or Die’, there is a scene that has generated quite a stir. In it, the character of Mike Lowery, played by Will Smith, suffers a panic attack and is slapped by Marcus Burnett, played by Martin Lawrence. This scene has been interpreted by many as a nod to the famous incident at the Oscars, where Will Smith slapped Chris Rock. Although the scene is part of the film’s plot, it has generated controversy and expectation among viewers.

The famous incident at the Oscars

The incident between Will Smith and Chris Rock at the Oscars occurred more than two years ago, but it is still remembered in Hollywood. After the incident, Smith publicly apologized and faced professional consequences, including his resignation from the Academy and a ban from attending Oscar-related events for the next decade. For his part, Chris Rock has taken every opportunity to mention the incident in his monologues, keeping the topic alive.

An unusual advertising strategy

The inclusion of the slap scene in ‘Bad Boys: Ride or Die’ has sparked curiosity and controversy. Although it has not been confirmed who had the idea to include this scene, many speculate that Will Smith has used the infamous incident as a publicity stunt. This strategy, although risky, has once again put Smith at the center of public debate and has generated expectation for his new film.

Monetizing the scandal

Both Will Smith and Chris Rock have been able to capitalize on the scandal. While Smith has integrated it into his film work, Rock has used it as material for his comedic performances. With this move, both actors have shown that even the darkest moments can become opportunities in the entertainment industry.

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