Inici » A new method for the selection of political candidates

A new method for the selection of political candidates

un home amb vestit i corbata assegut a una taula amb un bolígraf i paper davant seu, Abdullah Gërguri, ignacio fernandez rios, un retrat, premsa privada

A new selection system

With the country thinking about the upcoming holidays, a new method of selecting political candidates, called ‘equivalent act’, has been introduced. This system has been implemented due to the lack of candidates with support or courage to undergo the investiture. If no president has been elected on August 26, new elections will be called on October 13. This new methodology has generated great interest and is the most popular topic in political betting.

The situation of ERC

The ERC party is in a complex situation. Since election night, two important issues have emerged. On the one hand, the temporary departure of one of the possible supporters of the pact and, on the other, the manifesto of 500 ERC personalities critical of the party’s leadership. This has generated uncertainty about ERC’s next actions and has sparked an internal debate about the future of the party.

The ERC dilemma

The big unknown is what strategy ERC will follow. There are members of the party who are willing to remake the party from a low point of electoral support, rather than submit to a pact that could compromise its identity. This raises a dilemma about the future of the party and its relations with other political forces.

Factors to consider

ERC’s decision will be influenced by several factors, including timing, relationships with other parties and funding issues. The party’s position can change quickly in this changing political environment, and this could have a significant impact on the future of Catalan politics.


In short, the introduction of this new method of selecting political candidates has generated great uncertainty about Catalonia’s political future. Decisions made by ERC in the coming months could have a lasting impact on the region’s political landscape.

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