Inici » Bolquers i Taylor Swift

Bolquers i Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift actua als premis de música cmt 2013 a Nashville, Tennessee el 6 de maig de 2013 - - Getty Images / Getty Images via Getty Images via Getty, David Boyd, obra mestra guanyadora del premi, una escultura de marbre, premsa privada

An opinion on Taylor Swift and her fans

In this opinion piece, I want to address the subject of Taylor Swift and her followers, known as swifties. This phenomenon has generated a lot of controversy and has been the subject of debate about whether Taylor Swift is overrated or admired.

During her last concert in Stockholm, a young Catalan woman claimed that she had put on diapers so she wouldn’t have to go to the bathroom during the show. This anecdote generated a lot of attention and was used to ridicule Taylor Swift’s fans.

The swiftie phenomenon and other fan groups

Swifties aren’t the only group of fans to conquer European cities recently. For example, Real Madrid fans filled London for the Champions League final. However, the derision and criticism have not been shared equally.

The perception of swifties and the influence of gender

One possible explanation for this difference in treatment is that a large portion of Taylor Swift’s concert audiences are young women. This female fan phenomenon is often associated with commercial elements and has been stigmatized. This has created a negative perception of swifties.


In short, the swiftie phenomenon has been the subject of controversy and criticism. However, it’s important to remember that everyone should be able to enjoy their hobbies without fear of being ridiculed or stigmatized. Tolerance and respect for all groups of fans, including swifties, should be encouraged.

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